Parent Involvement starstar


     Parent Involvement in the classroom and school is very important. As a parent, taking time to help your child will lead to success for them in the classroom. Not only does that mean you should just volunteer in your child’s classroom, this is saying take the time to help your child with homework or just getting involved with them after school. Appreciation, encouragement, and commitment to your child will help the student’s attitude and belief in them. As your child’s teacher I would love to have you as a parent/guardian to come into the classroom and help in any way. If you are not able to volunteer in the classroom because of the time schedule please feel free to look at the resources below that will help give you ideas on how to be involved with your child. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the class. Remember your child’s education is one of the most important parts in their life.     

"Parents are children’s first and most influential teachers. By reading to children or having them read to us, by making sure homework is done, by monitoring television use, by knowing how children spend their time, parents can have a powerfully positive effect on their children’s Learning."  U.S. Secretary of Education

Resources for You

Parent Involvement= Students Success

Involvement Ideas

Time for Parents to Prepare

Six Standards for Parent Involvement

Get Involved- Tips to take

"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents."
Jane D. Hull